New CIHR Project Grant with Winstanley Lab
We were honoured to welcome MP Gordie Hogg to CGR this week to discuss our CIHR project grant awarded in January. The new project, led by Prof Catharine Winstanley and in collaboration with Mariya Cherkasova, Jon Stoessl, Vesna Sossi and Doris Doudet at the Djavid Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health, will look at the effects […]
New Horizons conference 2018
Most of the Centre have been at the New Horizons in Responsible Gambling conference in Vancouver this past week. Spencer was presenting new data from his study looking at eye tracking as a measure of immersion in slot machine gambling, in a session also featuring Dr Stephane Bouchard (University of Quebec), who is the leading […]
New Horizons 2018 poster session…
A lot of breaking data from CGR trainees at this year’s poster session… Gabe Brooks presenting his work on ‘Schizotypal personality: a risk factor for problematic gambling?’ Mario Ferrari was showing data on ‘Slot machine gambling and testosterone: evidence for a ‘Winner-Loser’ effect?’ […]
Brain Buzz podcast
Listen to our very own Mario Ferrari and Gabe Brooks, PhD students at the Centre, talking about gambling research and how they became interested in psychology and graduate research, in a new UBC Psychology podcast called Brain Buzz, available here and itunes store. We were flattered to have the Centre featured in the first research episode.