NEW PAPER: Interoception and Heart Rate Variability in Gambling Disorder
Congrats to Dawn Kennedy, who has led on this first CGR publication on people with gambling problems recruited and tested in Vancouver (n = 50, half have slot machines as their problematic form). Please take a look if you’re interested in the role of physiological arousal and excitement in gambling. Rather than measuring arousal (as […]
NEW PAPER: Testosterone fluctuations and slot machine gambling
Congratulations to Mario Ferrari for his first CGR paper, based on his MA thesis, just published in the APA journal ‘Psychology of Addictive Behaviors’, on testosterone fluctuations and slot machine gambling: evidence for a ‘winner-loser’ effect? We were interested in the classic finding that outcomes of social contests affect testosterone levels (i.e. the winners show […]
GREO Research Snapshot on our alcohol study
Gambling Research Exchange Ontario have featured our recent paper (Juliette Tobias-Webb et al, in Journal of Gambling Studies) looking at alcohol consumption and slot machine gambling in their ‘Research Snapshot‘ series.