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Welcome to our new Research Assistants!!!

Fall term is always a busy testing term in the Centre, and we have 5 (!!!) undergraduate research assistants who are joining the lab for projects this term! Nico Grossi (a former Psyc 335 student) will be following up Dawn Kennedy and Natalie Cringle’s recent projects on interoception in gambling. Subah Sehgal is a Psychology […]

Warm welcome to Fiza Arshad!

Fiza Arshad joins us this year as an incoming graduate student in the Neuroscience program, supervised jointly between Dr. Winstanley and Luke Clark. Fiza will be investigating the neurochemistry of gambling behaviour as part of Dr. Winstanley CIHR grant, and she is also interested in the effects of sensory feedback on gambling in our casino […]

Eve speaking at ICBA 2019 in Japan

Eve Limbrick-Oldfield is speaking this week at the International Conference on Behavioural Addictions on our data in siblings of people with gambling problems, run in collaboration with Henrietta Bowden Jones at the UK National Problem Gambling Clinic, and Anne Lingford Hughes at Imperial College London. Limbrick-Oldfield E: ‘Impulsivity as a marker of vulnerability to gambling […]

Spencer and Luke both speaking at the UNLV International Conference on Gambling and Risk Taking

The largest conference in the gambling field is taking place this week in Las Vegas, and Luke and Spencer are representing CGR in two symposium talks: Spencer Murch. ‘Zoned in or Zoned out? Investigating Slot Machine Immersion with Mobile Eye Tracking’ 16th International Conference on Gambling and Risk Taking (Las Vegas, May 2019) Luke Clark, […]

Welcome to our new Research Assistants!!

Summer term is going to be a busy period at CGR, as we welcome 5 new research assistants to a number of experiments that are getting underway. Samara Al-Omaishi (UBC Biology) and Balreet Dhatt (COGS 402) are working on the effects of sensory feedback on slot machine gambling. Ian Chen (COGS 402) is working on […]

Eve speaking about ‘pain of paying’ and cashless casinos at Discovery 2019

Eve Limbrick-Oldfield is talking this week at the Gambling Discovery 2019 conference in Toronto, organized by the Responsible Gambling Council, in a session on ‘No Cash Required: The Risks and Benefits of New Payment Technology in Casinos’. Fantastic conference program here. 

NEW PAPER: Use of video-game ‘loot boxes’ and associations with problem gambling

Congratulations to Gabriel Brooks, for his first CGR publication in Addictive Behaviors, looking at the links between video game loot box engagement in adult gamers, & problem gambling and gambling-related cognitive distortions. The link to the UBC press release is here, and Gabe’s interview on the Global BC breakfast news is here. The original paper […]

Zoha Janjua presenting at PURC

Zoha is flying the CGR flag at the Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference this week, with a poster on her project with Mario Ferrari ‘Impulsivity and Behavioural Markers of Practice in Novice Slot Machine Players’.

Gabe Brooks’ loot boxes research in Vancouver Sun

The Vancouver Sun ⁩ article on this week’s New Horizons gambling conference features CGR’s Gabriel Brooks’ new data on video game loot boxes & overlap with gambling problems, which he presented in the New Investigators symposium at the conference⁩.

CGR Funding Renewal Announcement!

Major announcement by the Honourable David Eby at the New Horizons in Responsible Gambling conference this morning: the BC Government and British Columbia Lottery Corporation have renewed the funding for Centre for Gambling Research, for a second 5 year term worth $1.36m. We are grateful for this sustained commitment to research on gambling behaviour aiming […]