Spencer is graduating!
Huge congratulations to Spencer Murch, the first CGR grad student to graduate with PhD! We’re a little sad for Spencer that the ceremony this year is being held online but we’re very proud of him reaching this important milestone.
Luke speaking in Psychology Student Association ‘Prof talks’ series
Luke is speaking to the Department of Psychology PSA this evening as part of their Prof Talks series, talking about research opportunities, careers in academic, and studying during the pandemic.
Luke speaking at ISAM / CSAM addictions conference
Luke is speaking in a virtual symposium on behavioural addictions at the joint annual meeting of the International Society for Addiction Medicine (ISAM) and the Canadian Society for Addiction Medicine (CSAM), which was due to be hosted in Victoria BC this week. Title: ‘Interacting effects of personal vulnerabilities and product features in gambling addiction’.
NEW PAPER: using machine learning to predict gambling problems on the BC PlayNow platform
Congratulations to Stephanie Finkenwirth and Kent Macdonald, who have lead this data science project using data from the BCLC’s PlayNow platform. Published in International Gambling Studies, we apply machine learning to 1 year of online gambling transactions from the eCasino (online slot machines and table games) to predict self-exclusion status as a marker of gambling […]
Spencer talking at UK Safer Gambling Forum
Spencer is giving an online talk this week in the UK Safer Gambling Forum eGaming workshop, on “What is Slot Machine Immersion: How does it affect our experiences and behaviours?” https://www.safergamblingforum.com/agenda/session/436150