JOURNAL CLUB: chasing behaviour in online horse-race gambling
Ke Zhang is presented a second Journal Club for December, on an interesting data science paper using survival models to look at days between sessions as measure of chasing in Finnish online horse-racing gamblers. On average, winners return 27% faster than losers. Kainulainen, T. Does Losing on a Previous Betting Day Predict How Long it […]
JOURNAL CLUB (December 2020) on cryptocurrency gambling
Gabe Brooks is presenting our CGR journal club this week on a new paper from University of York (UK) on cryptocurrency gambling Scholten, Zendle & Walker (2020) nside the decentralised casino: A longitudinal study of actual cryptocurrency gambling transactions. PLoS ONE 15(10): e0240693.
NEW PAPER with U Pitt colleagues on behavioural sensitivity to social rank
Congrats to Jade Adalbert, whose Directed Studies project in the lab is part of a joint publication with our colleagues in Pittsburgh Psychiatry, published this week in PlosOne. This paper presents a new behavioural task to assess responses to social defeat and victory in a competitive game that involves a social hierarchy (effectively, a league […]
NEW PROJECT: Do you trade in the financial markets?
In an ongoing study led by CGR Research Assistant Osa Hawthorne, we’re looking for people who engage in private financial trading to take part in a short (10 min) survey