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Welcome Jolie and Ethan!

We’re happy to welcome our new undergrads RA Jolie Lin and Ethan Ngu on joining CGR! Jolie is joining as a voluntary RA and will work with Claudia on the Genshin Impact project. Ethan is joining as a COGS 402 student and will work with Raymond on a replication study looking at emotional state during […]

NEW PRE-PRINT: Lucas’ longitudinal loot box study

 A new manuscript is available from Lucas Palmer’s research investigating the longitudinal relationship between loot box spending in video games and real-money gambling behavior. This study replicates earlier research from our lab, exploring the migration from video game loot boxes to conventional gambling among young adults in British Columbia, Canada. You can access the pre-print […]

Welcome to our new Honours students Zaina Alkurdi and Clara Saad!

A warm welcome to our incoming Honours students this year Zaina and Clara! Zaina will work with Luke on an online slot machine project, and Clara will work with Raymond on a replication study looking at emotional states during slot machine plays.