CGR are looking forward to this year’s New Horizons in Responsible Gambling conference in Vancouver, and we’re presenting a lot of new data…
Gabriel Brooks will be speaking in a session on New Investigators on ‘The gamblification of video games: An overview of ‘Loot Boxes’ and their links with disordered gambling’.
Dr Mariya Cherkasova (UBC Centre for Brain Health, and an affiliate member of the CGR) is speaking in the same session, on her recent Journal of Neuroscience paper on the effects of audiovisual feedback on risky gambling decisions.
We are also presenting some new breaking data in a number of posters:
Xiaolei Deng, Tilman Lesch & Luke Clark ‘The law of vital few: Do ‘whales’ have increased risk of gambling harm?’
Mario Ferrari & Luke Clark ‘Slot machine ‘habits’: Behavioural changes in novice slot machine gamblers’
Eve Limbrick-Oldfield, Candy Chua, Natalie Cringle, Mario Ferrari, Kent MacDonald, & Luke Clark. ‘The “Pain of Paying” for slot machine gambling in the casino lab’