CGR Director Luke Clark receives top honour for his gambling disorder research from NCRG
Congratulations to Dr. Luke Clark, recipient of the 2015 Scientific Achievement Award from the National Center for Responsible Gambling (NCRG). Dr. Clark is being recognized today for his contributions to the field of research on gambling disorder at the 16th annual NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction. “Dr. Clark has not only made a remarkable […]
Welcome Mario Ferrari and Gabriel Brooks!
We’re very pleased to welcome to new grad students to the Centre this week – Mario is a new MA1 Clinical Psychology student, who has joined us from SFU, and Gabriel is a MA2 Clinical Psychology student who will be transitioning to our lab over the coming year. We’re looking forward to Mario and Gabriel […]
New undergraduate course Psyc 335 ‘Gambling and Decision-Making’
This week sees the start of an exciting new undergraduate course on ‘Gambling and Decision-Making’, with Luke Clark as the primary instructor, Steph Chu as the TA, and guest lectures from Dr Gerald Thomas (BC Ministry of Health) and Dr Terri-Lynn MacKay (Adjunct Prof in Psychology). Luke will be posting his reflections on the course […]
First year anniversary of the Centre for Gambling Research at UBC
We’re looking forward to Friday, when the CGR will host the inaugural workshop of the Advisory Board for the Centre, as an opportunity to review our progress over the past 12 months and our future research directions. After the workshop, the Dean of Arts will host a reception to celebrate our anniversary and mark our […]