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PURC keynote talk

It’s an honour to give the faculty keynote at the annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC) at UBC. Luke will be speaking about our research on loot boxes, titled “The gamblers of the future? Understanding the links between loot boxes and gambling”

JOURNAL CLUB: Habit-forming design in digital technologies

For our journal club this week, we’re looking at a new theory paper by Maeva Flayelle and colleagues, in Nature Reviews Psychology, thinking about structural features of digital technologies (social media, sports betting, video games) in terms of the model-based / model-free framework for compulsive over-use. Flayelle M, Brevers D, King DL, Maurage P, Perales […]

Luke and Raymond featured in Global News and CTV News articles

Following the New Horizons conference, Luke and Raymond are featured in Global News and CTV news articles about the migration effect from loot boxes to gambling and the characteristics of gambling stream viewers.

New Horizons session on Emerging Forms

We’re looking forward to the New Horizons conference this week, back in person in downtown Vancouver. CGR is curating a session on Understanding Emerging Forms of Gambling, with 3 speakers including Luke (“The gamblers of the future? Understanding the links between loot boxes and gambling”), Lucas Palmer (“ Migration from loot box use to conventional […]