JOURNAL CLUB: Scoping review on online sports betting features
In this week’s lab meeting, Paul led a discussion on a scoping review paper by Torrance and colleagues looking at the structural characteristics of online sports betting, where they found the prevalence of fast-paced and continuous betting opportunities has transformed sports betting into a more harmful gambling mode. Torrance, J., O’Hanrahan, M., Carroll, J., & Newall, […]
Luke speaking at GLUG conference
Luke is giving an invited talk at the Bochum Conference on Gambling and Society (GLUG) this week on “Understanding the Risk Profile of Slot Machine Gambling”
Welcome new undergrads Anushka, Amanda, Ana, and Marshall!
We’re happy to welcome our incoming undergrads this year: Anushka Gulan (Honours) and Amanda Ding (volunteer RA) will be joining Lucas on a reward uncertainty replication study. Ana Hernandez (PSYC 240) will be working with Raymond, and Marshall Martin (volunteer RA) is going to work with Hin on a scoping review project.
NEW PAPER: Systematic review on loss chasing
Congrats to Akira Banerjee, a PhD student at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium, for leading this important new scoping review on different expressions of loss chasing in the gambling literature, which especially highlights the important differences between ‘between session’ and ‘within session’ measures of chasing. Banerjee N, Chen Z, Clark L, Noel X. […]
Congrats to Jay on receiving WLIURA!
Congratulations to Jay Joo on receiving a second round of Work Learn International Undergraduate Research Awards (WLIURA)! Jay will be continuing his work on virtual item valuation this school year.