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Zhang Chen visiting CGR

We’re excited to host Dr. Zhang Chen from Ghent University in the lab for the next 2 weeks, timed to coincide with the Society for Neuroeconomics meeting. Zhang is presenting in the Cognitive Area Workshop on “Pauses in play increase people’s sensitivity to expected value in risky choice”.

Hin at the Society of Neuroeconomics Conference

Hin will be attending the Society of Neuroeconomics Annual Meeting (SNE 2023) in downtown Vancouver over the weekend. If you’re at the conference, come and say hi!

CGR at RANGES 2023 Futures of Gambling Studies Conference

Claudia and Jay attended the Research and Networking for Gambling Early-Career Scholars (RANGES) virtual conference last Thursday. Claudia presented a poster on gambling stream consumption ‘Is watching gambling livestreams associated with intentions to gamble among non-gambling young adults? An application of theory of planned behaviour’, and Jay presented a poster on virtual item valuation ‘More […]

Luke speaking at ICRG annual meeting in Las Vegas

Luke is giving a plenary session on gambling – gaming convergence, at the International Center for Responsible Gaming annual meeting in Las Vegas this week, titled “The gamblers of the future? Migration from video games to gambling among young adults”. He will also be presenting in the afternoon panel session on cashless gambling.