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Participants needed for a gambling study on decision-making and slot machine play (October 2017 – )

Researchers from the Centre for Gambling Research at UBC are looking for volunteers who are regular gamblers to take part in a study investigating styles of play in regular slots gamblers.

The study involves a single afternoon session at the Centre for Gambling Research (Ponderosa building, on West Mall / University Blvd), lasting 2.5 hours. If you are interested, please visit, and complete the online application form. The test session will involve an array of evaluative questionnaires, followed by a brief session of slot machine play, with the opportunity to win a small amount of money.

In appreciation for your time commitment, you will be given $25 for approximately 2.5 hours of participation. Any money you may win will be converted to a cash bonus on completion.

To be eligible for the study, you must:

  • Be at least 19 years old
  • Have played slot machines at least once in the past 3 months
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
  • Not be in treatment for problem gambling either currently or in the past
  • Not have history of neurological illness, head injury or psychiatric hospitalization

If you have any questions about the study details, please contact the researchers listed below.

Contact information:

Principal Investigator: Dr. Luke Clark, Department of Psychology, UBC

Post-Doctoral investigator: Eve Limbrick-Oldfield, Department of Psychology, UBC, (604) 827-0619,

Confidentiality: All data pertains to this study will remain anonymous. Written records will be stored in a locked filing cabinet within the Centre for Gambling Research, accessible only to the researchers of this study. Electronic records will be stored in a password-protected computer in the Centre for Gambling Researcher and protected by the departmental server.