Current Projects

The Centre for Gambling Research at UBC is currently seeking volunteers for various studies. Each experiment involves certain eligibility criteria. For example, some studies are looking for UBC students, some are with people who play slot machines, and some are with people experiencing problems with gambling. Read more about our studies underway.

NEW PROJECT: Emotional signals during slot machine gambling We are recruiting students to participate in a 90-minute in-person study for 2 HSP credit. Check out the study link below for more details!

NEW PROJECT: Slot Machines and Emotional States in the Casino Lab We’re recruiting students to participate in a 60-minute in-person study for 1.5 HSP credit. Check out the study link below for more details!

NEW PROJECT: Gambling and Consumption We are recruiting students to participate in a 60-minute in-person study for 1.5 HSP credit. Check out the study link below for more details!

NEW PROJECT: The psychology of microtransaction in Genshin Impact We are currently recruiting student participants for a 30-minute online survey. If you have played the game Genshin Impact recently, you can participate through the link before for HSP credit!